Multimedia Filtration System
Depending upon the inlet water conditions, it is often necessary to install a pre treatment system to reduce the turbidity and total suspended solids (TSS) of the water in order to make it suitable for RO membranes. Industrial Services Inc. offers multimedia filtration systems for use with our reverse osmosis plants. The systems can accommodate plants of any size and are available in multiple arrangements. The typical media filtration system consists of a vertical pressure vessel(s) including media (gravel, sand and anthracite) and a backwash system. Depending on the flow required, two or more tanks may be required. Other media are available such as carbon, greensand and zeolite.
Multimedia Filtration System
Standard Features
- Vertical filament wound fiberglass tank
- Structural steel frame, epoxy coated
- Manual butterfly valves (4 valve arrangement)
- Centrifugal backwash pump
- SCH80 PVC pipe and fittings
- 316SS hardware
Standard Media
Gravel base – covers laterals
Sand (.4-.55 mm) – 24”
Anthracite (85 mm – 95 mm) – 6”
Optional Features
- Other media – Contact factory
- Automated valves, motorized or pneumatic
- Rinse valve – manual or automatic Example two tank arrangement
- Filter differential pressure transmitter (dPET)
- Backwash tank
- Additional instrumentation
- Alternate Filtration Flux rates
Multimedia Filtration System

Multimedia Filtration System